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FTM and 26 weeks. I want to start prepping for postpartum care.. it's one of the things that feels more doable for me right now and I'd love to have a hospital/birth centre bag ready sooner rather than later.
I know I want to get some organic pads but I'm wondering what I should get and how many? Am I looking at super heavy flow? Should I get some for a variety of flows? and do I need diapers as well?
If it changes anything I'm hoping for an unmedicated birth at a birth centre, but of course who knows how it will actually go down!
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at the hospital, mine gave me disposable underwear and the cheap type of pads which they layer to make the pad longer? so one pad in the front and one in the back and they kinda overlap in the middle. the first day is kind of heavy and there were times I bled onto the soaker pad they put on your bed...I think more of a positional thing though, not bc I was heavily bleeding. I take the pads and underwear with me home. I just wear pads. I did diapers with my last pregnancy and they were nice bc my pelvic floor was weak so there were times I would peed when I coughed or sneezed and I wouldn't have the ability to stop it. that last maybe a week? i didnt even use the whole pack of adult diapers (maybe less than 30 in a pack) then I'll go back to pads. PP bleeding is lighter than a regular period. with both of my pregnancies, I bled for almost 12 weeks. I used pads and I knew I could use the leftovers when I started to have my period again so I can't tell you how many pads you would need. for adult diapers, I would start with just one small pack and go from there if you think you need more. they are nice but not necessary, you could just have pads and be okay.
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great to know, thanks!
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I think it also depends on if you tear. I had a tear with my first, so I liked having the pads with ice packs layered in like they did at the hospital. Don't know how well that works with diapers as I didn't end up needing to try them last time - I had enough pads from the hospital to see me through until I wore regular pads.
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Riiiiiiight the tearing. good to know!
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Listen to me. Buy the fancy Frida ones. It’s worth it
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k, I was wondering this!!! thank you! I literally am eyeing all their fancy products. It feels like if there's a time to lean into my preference for nice good quality things it's after growing a baby inside my literal body and then GIVING BIRTH TO IT. So ya, thanks for this. I feel like I'm just giving myself permission to buy some Frida things too. I've been eyeing their postpartum disposable shorts and underwear too.
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I was wearing just regular pads and depends and my sister in law came over and gifted me the fancy ones and it was like heaven. Especially if you end up have a c section.
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It’s basically like being on a heavy period for about 5 days and then tapers off. It’s normal to bleed longer than a period though. I LOVE adult diapers. They are so much easier to deal with than giant pads. I preferred the diapers for a week or so and then went to a regular thin pad.
You also for sure need breast pads because you’ll leak a lot.
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thank you! diapers seem like they're just easier for a bit. I think I'll get some for sure
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thanks! something tells me I will love adult diapers too lol
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Like others have said it can vary so much….
With my first it was just like a normal heavy period- lasted less than a week.
With my second, I bled HEAVY for awhile & lasted maybe a month??? It never stopped!
I don’t do diapers. Idk I never have understood that one… I just use the thin always overnight pads. I’ve never had problems w it leaking & it’s something I am familiar enough with to be able to gauge how much I’m bleeding.
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yeah it’s all good tho :P
My 4yo tells me last night “mom I have some bad news …. This baby I think is gonna cry even more and be even louder than Fiona….”
Boy what?!? Noooo why would you say that!!!
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I had a C-section in February ‘24 & used these! I also got the overnight ones aswell for night time! But I did only bleed for 2.5 weeks. So I still have a few left over. This time I did buy some diapers as I will be at home with a 12.5 month old when baby sister is born and I feel it’ll be easier but plan to pick up some of these again just incase I change my mind! Also supper affordable
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I have loved using the always adult diapers… I use them til they’re gone just because it’s so easy. I put a pad in there and change the diaper 1-2 times a day and use them more like underwear.
I think everyone’s level of bleeding and tapering is different…
I got organic overnight really long ones for the first week and then went to medium then lighter pads.
I also used the Frida mom ice pads until those were gone and made my own “padsicles” with the long postpartum pads. I’ve heard some people don’t like the cold but for me it’s so relieving and I made extra the last pregnancy (2nd) and felt like it still wasn’t as much as I’d hoped for ��
Oh and like someone else mentioned.. if you over do it you’ll start bleeding harder again. This was definitely a helpful tool to know if I need to do less and sit more.
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I'm actually weirdly looking forward to the padsicles. think I'll get myself a box of the Frida ones and then make some as well. did you put witch hazel or aloe vera on them?
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I did a mixture of aloe, witch hazel and water! I put witch hazel and water in a spray bottle to mix it - the water makes it freeze better. And then used a spatula to spread the aloe evenly lol. They are so nice to have. ��
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I haven’t given birth yet, but had two miscarriages and the first I bled for almost 8 weeks. Wearing a pad everyday was getting really irritating on my skin and then I thought to look into postpartum pads. I liked the honeypot postpartum pads as they have cooling herbs and it was such a relief. I’ve seen the underwear like things on Amazon and my friends have all said to stock up on those from the hospital too. My sister in law also recommended the Frida foam. I’ll probably have a few options in stock to see what is most comfortable right after birth.
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I can’t go back after switching to Cora. I always felt like the mainstream brands felt like plastic and irritated me. I’m allergic to latex so it always makes me wonder if some part of it is similar or something.
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ohhh! I’m allergic to latex too. I wonder. I did switch to all natural cotton too. It’s much better! I like Cora and Rael too.
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I’m a bleeder so I bleed lonnngggg… I got 2 packs of diapers, and I did the light pads after for about 2 weeks and then liners for 2 more.. I spot for very long :/ my periods are usually 6-8 days so this didn’t surprise me.. so if you don’t bleed much, I would do 1 pack diapers and 1 variety pack of pads
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I know it varies from woman to woman and pregnancy to pregnancy. I am a heavy bleeder when not pregnant so I knew the first time was gonna be rough. I used adult diapers for a few weeks, when I finally started to slow down I switched to heavy flow pads. I know it’s a little tmi but just a warning, The day I switched, I was sitting on the couch and felt like I had a major gush. Got up to go to the bathroom to check it out and I swear to goodness a clot the size of a baseball fell out of my shorts. I switched back to diapers for a few more days because that terrified me. I was still bleeding by my 6 week appointment. But was told it was normal. Take everything the hospital has to give you. It will save you money in the long run!
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